
Welcome to Keio Univ. Fukagata Laboratory!

Fukagata laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, is a relatively new (?) laboratory, born in 2007.

Our research interests are numerical simulation and mathematical modeling of complex heat and fluid flow phenomena including turbulent flows and development of advanced control methods for such flow phenomena. The research area is being expanded toward establishment of design methodology for thermo-fluids systems by integrating control theories, optimization methods, machine learning, and large-scale flow simulation techniques.


2025-01-09Out now!Y. Nabae, K. Inagaki, H. Kobayashi, H. Gotoda, and K. Fukagata, "Large-eddy simulation of high-Reynolds-number turbulent channel flow controlled using streamwise traveling wave-like wall deformation for drag reduction," J. Fluid Mech. 1003, A2 (2025).
2025-01-09ConferenceOmichi (M2) made a presentation at AIAA SciTech Forum (Orlando, Florida).
2024-12-13241213.jpgHaziqah (D2), Nakamura (B4), and Takarabe (B4) made presentations at The 38th CFD Symposium (Tokyo).
2024-11-19Out now!T. Oura and K. Fukagata, "Defiltering turbulent flow fields for Lagrangian particle tracking using machine learning techniques," Phys. Fluids 36, 113366 (2024). (Preprint, arXiv:2411.04384 [physics.flu-dyn])
2024-11-18Out now!K. Takagi, N. Moriya, S. Aoki, K. Endo, M. Muramatsu, and K. Fukagata, "Implementation of spectral methods on Ising machines: toward flow simulations on quantum annealers," Fluid Dyn. Res. 56, 061401 (2024). (Preprint, arXiv:2411.05326 [physics.flu-dyn])
2024-10-09241009-oishi.jpgOishi (M1) received Best Presentation Award at 35th Inter-University Workshop on Turbulence Control (Tokyo).
2024-09-27240927.jpgIwasawa (M2) and Hirota (M1) made presentations at 2024 JSFM Annual Meeting (Sendai).
2024-09-04ConferenceFukagata made a presentation at The 67th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (NCTAM67), Yokohama.
2024-08-27240827.jpgFukagata gave an invited talk at 26th International Conference of the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2024), Daegu, Korea.
2024-08-22ConferenceFukagata gave an invited lecture at the kick-off meeting of the Fluid Science Research Cluster, Meiji University.
2024-08-14Out now!T. Ishize, H. Omichi, and K. Fukagata, "Flow control by a hybrid use of machine learning and control theory," Int. J. Numer. Meth. Heat Fluid Flow 34, 3253-3277 (2024).
2024-07-22240722.jpgGoto (M2) and Oishi (M1) made presentations at 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM2024), Vancouver.
2024-07-12Out now!K. Fukagata, "Flow field reduction, estimation, and control using convolutional neural networks", JSME-CMD Newsletterシ君o. 71, 20-23 (2024) (in Japanese).
2024-06-22240622-oura.jpgOura (D2) received Best Presentation Award at 34th Inter-University Workshop on Turbulence Control (Yokohama).
2024-04-16240502-hirota.jpgHirota (B4 at that time) received the Best Presentation Award at 63rd JSME Kanto Student Union Conference.

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Last-modified: 2025-02-28 (Fri) 11:12:13